Started stream late today because setting up my 3DS capture software turned out to be a lot harder than expected! Happily, we got it working, which meant we could play Pokemon Trading Card Game on stream! Got some work done and chatted about cats first though! Not as much as I was hoping to get done, but I think I underestimated the amount of work involved again!
I wanted to keep streaming for hours longer, but I needed to go shopping for lunch!
Today was "Mario Kart Smonday", where I play Mario Kart with my teammates and viewers!
After that, we opened virtual Pokemon TCG booster packs on this website and talked about our memories of Gen1 Pokemon. I was reminded that the Pokemon TCG video game, originally for the Gameboy Color, was available on the 3DS virtual console - though not for too much longer, as the eshop is due to close down. After stream I bought it, downloaded it, and played it for 4 hours.
I showed the four paintings by Amenomori Fumika that I received, after buying them from a recent gallery exhibition. We admired the details and discussed how special it is to own original artworks.
Following this, my community asked to see my 31 mini painting series from 2018, of which I had just under half as the rest had been sold. To my surprise and joy, I sold the remaining half on stream! Now I must get the appropriate shipping materials to send them to their new homes.
Worked on lineart for my amusement park picture, and chatted about mental health and trauma.
Started revamping this site so that I can put everything that makes me happy onto it!!